Ramble On

Saturday, May 23, 2015

They Slept in the Space Shuttle - Follow-up

A of weeks back, our friend Nancy posted about the night she and Mark stopped by Hawksbill Cabin on their cross country trip last summer.  They'd set out in their Airstream mobile home from San Diego for a 120-day trip that took them to many of the lower 48 states, and into the eastern Canadian provinces.  I guess it was somewhere around day 106 or so that they pulled into our driveway.

Unfortunately Mary couldn't join us that weekend - she was on deadline for an exhibition or something, but Nancy, Mark, and I made the best of it.  They parked in our driveway, which had a little more slope than their usual stopping places - I offered them the guest bedroom, but nothing doing.  Mark explained that sleeping inside would break their streak of sleeping the "space shuttle," which they managed to do for the entire trip.

Nancy's blog posts are here and here - we managed to get in quite a few Valley highlights.  They were here right at the time where the one invasive grass is seeding, and their dogs Trixie and Dax found a patch of them with their hitchhiker seeds.  But despite that incident and the sloped parking space, we had a good reunion.

My post on the topic from last September is here.  Nancy's blog is linked in my blogroll list over to the right, if you'd like to read more about their amazing trip!

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